Candidate Recruitment is a team sport – building a coalition to help with recruitment

With over 500,000 elected positions in the United States, one person alone can’t find quality candidates for all of them.  Recruit and develop a coalition of groups to make the job more manageable.

Determine your criteria:  What kind of values/philosophies do you want your candidates to have?  Make a list of your top three or four issue specific areas such as fiscal responsibility, smaller government, lower taxes.  

Determine likely members of your coalition:  What groups and organizations currently active in your area align with your philosophy or issues?  Make a list of those groups with a column for who you know, who you know that knows someone in the group and who best to ask them to participate in your coalition.

Set up an initial meeting of your coalition:  Bring your partners together to discuss strategy, communications and goals for each organization.  Create an agenda for meetings and establish timelines for group meetings.

Develop regular communications with coalition groups:  weekly emails with updates from coalition partners on recruitment efforts, quarterly in person meetings to keep the lines of communications open.

By working together, you can expand your reach, broaden your network and make candidate recruitment easier for all.

Ready to build a team approach to candidate recruitment? Click here for more information.

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