Championing a candidate recruitment effort

We’ve all seen potentially great election cycles pass us by because we didn’t have great candidates on the ballot.  Rarely do great candidates appear out of nowhere. Great candidates are recruited, trained, mentored and managed throughout the process.  

Taking a longer term approach to candidate recruitment and development can help avoid some of the recent pitfalls we’ve witnessed.  Much like major league baseball scouts prospective players then coaches them through the various leagues, we can apply those same principles to candidate recruitment.

That takes a champion…someone committed to changing the culture of candidate recruitment and willing to help build an organization to do so.  A champion can be anyone willing to commit the time and effort to finding candidates at any level from school boards to statewide efforts to federal races.  A champion has a passion for developing candidates and a well developed network of contacts who can help.  A champion also knows how to raise money and awareness for the organization and someone who is well respected in the community.  

A true champion can bring people together to get the work done but always keeps one eye on the overall mission!  Are you ready to be that Champion?    Click here for more information.

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