Keeping track of potential candidates

The keeper of the list….there’s one in every organization.  It’s no different with candidate recruitment.  Groups who actively participate in finding candidates for office usually have one person in charge of the list.   It’s usually in an Excel spreadsheet on someone/s computer or server. But what happens when they leave the organization?   The information goes with them or gets lost on the server.  And we start from scratch every cycle.

Instead of starting over each cycle, imagine if you could keep all the information together, allow all members of your team access and stay in communication with all the people you have recruited.  There is a better way.

Good candidate development requires communication, engagement and measurement during the whole time they are a potential candidate.  Major league baseball doesn’t recruit a player then leave him out there on his own until he’s ready to move up to the next level.  They coach, train, mentor and manage him throughout his career.  We here at Candidate Pathways are hoping to change the culture of recruitment and use major league baseball as our model

Think about the people you have recruited over the years who said “not now”.  That doesn’t mean they won’t ever be a candidate just not this cycle.  How are you staying in touch with those people?   Candidate Pathways provides a way to keep them engaged and learning while watching for their opportunity to run. 

Think about candidates who ran this time around but didn’t win.  Who is talking to them?  Candidates who didn’t win the first time often make better candidates in their next run presuming they learned from their mistakes.  Candidate Pathways can help you keep track of all your candidates and prospects and continue their education and training so they are ready when the next opportunity comes along.
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