Dealing with Media

Candidates and their campaigns must deal with questions from the media almost daily.  Successful campaigns learn to use these opportunities to their advantage.  Below are some quick tips to help candidates get the most out of an interview.

  1. Know your message: Clearly define your key messages and the points you want to convey.
  2. Anticipate questions: Anticipate potential questions from the media and prepare responses that align with your key messages.
  3. Know your audience: Understand the audience you are speaking to and the type of media outlet you are dealing with.
  4. Stay on point: Stick to your key messages and avoid getting sidetracked by controversial or off-topic questions.
  5. Be aware of body language: Be mindful of your body language and tone, as they can communicate as much as your words.
  6. Practice: Rehearse your responses and practice speaking in front of a camera or microphone to build your confidence.
  7. Have backup information: Prepare backup information and statistics to support your key messages.
  8. Be respectful: Treat the media and journalists with respect, even if you disagree with their perspective or question.
  9. Avoid speculation: Avoid speculating or making assumptions about events or issues that are still unfolding.
  10. Know your limitations: Be aware of any limitations on what you can or cannot say, such as confidentiality agreements or legal restrictions.

Note: Dealing with media can be challenging, but being prepared and knowing your key messages can help you effectively communicate your message and build positive relationships with journalists and media outlets.

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