The Art of Pivoting

Every candidate will get asked uncomfortable questions during their campaign.  Check out 7 tips below to help gracefully turn that uncomfortable question into something positive.  

  1. Listen carefully: Pay attention to the interviewer’s questions and understand their focus.
  2. Re-frame the question: If the question is not relevant to your strengths or goals, try to re-frame it to highlight your relevant experiences.
  3. Emphasize your skills: Highlight the transferable skills and strengths that you bring to the role, regardless of the specific task or industry.
  4. Provide relevant examples: Share specific examples or anecdotes that demonstrate your abilities.
  5. Ask clarifying questions: If you’re unsure about the interviewer’s expectations, ask for clarification.
  6. Stay positive: Maintain a positive and confident demeanor, even if you need to pivot your answer.
  7. Be adaptable: Be open to change and flexible in your approach, showing the interviewer your ability to adjust and succeed in a variety of situations.

As the saying goes….Practice makes perfect.  Practice pivoting with your trusted campaign staff or kitchen cabinet so when the cameras are rolling, you are ready.

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