Focused Candidate Recruitment

Candidate Recruitment is challenging at best.  Disorganized and chaotic at its worst.  Check out the article linked below to see what focus can bring to your recruitment effort.

One of Candidate Pathways clients, A League of Our Own, was mentioned in the CNN article.  Like Winning for Women, View PAC and Elevate PAC, League of our Our set out to recruit, train, mentor and manage women in Michigan to run for office at all levels.  League of Our Own has successfully helped elect over 60 women to offices across the state since its inception in 2017.  

A long term strategy is key in candidate recruitment.  Setting those goals early on in building your organization is a great way to set your focus.  Whether you are interested in electing more parents to the local school board, veterans to office in general, or people under the age of 30 to office, knowing what you are trying to accomplish helps map your plan for achieving that goal.

Plan the Work, Work the Plan.  That motto sounds simple but is invaluable in making your effort successful.  Candidate Pathways is here to help you get your candidate recruitment efforts underway and keep you organized as your organization grows. For more information, contact us at

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