
Developing Your Campaign Message

Crafting an effective campaign message is a critical aspect of campaigning. A well-constructed message can help you connect with voters, articulate your vision, and persuade people to support your campaign. Here are the key steps to crafting an

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Disagreeing Respectfully

As politics has become more argumentative and polarizing it seems the same has spread into everyday life.  Whether it’s a conversation about foreign policy or a spot in line at the grocery store, there is a way to

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Dealing with Media

Candidates and their campaigns must deal with questions from the media almost daily.  Successful campaigns learn to use these opportunities to their advantage.  Below are some quick tips to help candidates get the most out of an interview.

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The Art of Pivoting

Every candidate will get asked uncomfortable questions during their campaign.  Check out 7 tips below to help gracefully turn that uncomfortable question into something positive.   As the saying goes….Practice makes perfect.  Practice pivoting with your trusted campaign staff

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30 Second Elevator Pitch

An elevator pitch is a brief, persuasive speech that you use to spark interest in what you or your organization does. It’s called an elevator pitch because it’s supposed to be brief enough to present during a brief

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Where the Change Happens

Thank you to Kaitlin Vinterun, the Executive Director for League of Our Own Washington, for contributing this post. It is human nature to seek what is comfortable. We feel safe, happy, and confident in our comfort zones. It

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